
STRATEGIES - Reduce stress and make more $$ as a DJ

It's Wednesday.....have you called your clients for this weekend yet?

This is DJ 101. All clients, regardless of the kind of party, deserve a phone call early in the week, preferably on Monday, to let them know that you are aware of the details of the event. Getting into this habit makes the job easier, reduces stress and leads to more $.

Put yourself in the shoes of the client. They have spent hundreds, thousands or tens of thousands of dollars planning their event and they have placed the most impactful, powerful and important role in your hands. I love this quote that I saw at fellow DJ Ken Petersen's Milestones website...(Excellent DJ check out his website here.)
"ENTERTAINMENT - The gift you give back to your family and friends."
Isn't that great? It is, because it's true. Music will shape and define the event. It will bring people together to share very special moments that become their memories. It's a major responsibility and the client has entrusted you to get it done. Calling them the week of the event, whether you've had 6 meetings, 3 phone calls or 100 emails tells them that they have placed their trust in a professional who cares about their event. It sets them at ease which makes it much easier to do your job on the day of the event. A stressed out client is really hard to make happy and really easy to avoid with a simple phone call.

YEAH...I'm a little STRESSED!
The client is not the only one who experiences stress. We as DJ's get our fair share. Much of it of our own creation. C'mon you've been there....Saturday morning you pull out the planner and ....OH CRAP! I was supposed to buy that song for the _______________________ dance! Then you begin to sweat, and your stomach gets all tight. Yes you'll get the song, but C'MON we're adults here. The Monday Client call forces you to engage the planner a full 4 days before and gives you a great opportunity to create a TO-DO list for any items that may still be unfinished. You can also catch some potential problems here. Verify room names, arrival times, ADDRESSES, make sure that you hear the client tell you that everything you have in front of you is accurate. Many times clients change things on their end and forget to let us know. These things are not our fault but if we can avoid those uncomfortable.."I'm sorry but you never told me that!" moments we will feel good, and that will lead to more relaxed performances which leads to....

Mo' Money!
If you conduct yourself in a professional way you will make an impact on people. A POSITIVE impact. Let's assume you are a great DJ...being customer service minded adds the cherry on top of the sundae. Your clients will not just be happy they'll be evangelists. When they are listening to a friend tell them a DJ nightmare story they will say.."My DJ was a TOTAL professional" They will feel comfortable recommending you to others and will RAVE about you on the day of the event to everyone who will listen. THAT my friends is what leads to more bookings and more money per booking. You wanna set yourself apart from the rest Customer Service is the BEST and the cheapest way.

The week of the gig client call. It'll make your gigs easier, your clients mellower and your wallet fatter. It takes as little as 5 minutes to as long as it takes but the WEEK OF client call is a MUST! GIT R DONE ALREADY and have a great weekend!

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